Featured Products

Thermoid Mud Pump Suction Hose

A Mud Pump Suction Hose is an ideal flexible connection between the slush pump and mud pit. The helical design provides excellent vacuum capabilities. The cover is oil, abrasion, and ozone-resistant. Current stock listed below is offered under factory cost!

3ea. 6″ x 6ft
4ea. 8″ x 5ft
7ea. 8″ x 6ft
3ea. 10″ x 5ft

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Texas Industrial
Rubber & Gasket, LLC.
4632 Sinclair Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78222

Mailing Address
PO Box 200425,
San Antonio, TX 78220

Phone: (210) 967-9800
Toll Free: (800) 967-9650
Fax: (210) 967-9803
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Our Location

4632 Sinclair Rd
San Antonio, TX 78222

Store Manager

Steven Gombas
Phone: (210) 967-9800